Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

good in His time

akhir" ni lgi ngalemin yg namanya kebergantungan sma seseorg, jdi mgkin ga ada prasaan suka tpi scra ga langsung hti g uda ga murni,, pas ngliat org itu #eeaaaa pst brsa snenggg kalo ga ngliat/ ktmu rsanyya pgen ktmu, prasaan ap inii.. haha

tpii disaat" kyk gtuu brat bgt u/ srahin all of my hearts u/ Thn.. d masa" single gni yg smestinya kt jga hti kt spnuhnya jgan dnodai sdikit pn malah g ngalemin itu sangat beratt dan juga sbgai mnusia biasa sringg bget kpikiran tntg pasangan msa dpan.. pdhal inii blom wktunya.. ad kalimat bgus :
"single women should not let their lives be consumed by their perceived "need" to find a man. All that a woman should be concerned with is devoting her life to Jesus Christ and serving Him faithfully."
fokus seorg single mstinya Thn, yupp Thn yg hrus jdi fokus kta, mstinya Thn yg jdi pusat kita brgntung not a guy! krna smuanya good in His time, prcya kalo Thn uda sediain yg trbaik ktka kta ksi yg trbaik :D trus ad 1 lgu yg bgus, ktka kt nunggu ap yg hrus kt lakuin n yg jdi fokus kta bukan u/ cri/dpetin cowo tpii u/ WORSHIP GOD, serve God :)
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait.

ga ada alesan u/ kta brhnti brlari! cewe" yg lgi dlm penantian, yg msi muda" msi sma" ato kulia" ga prlu mkirin gtuan dluu,, haha,, (pdahal g jga mikir) cma i realize that having a relationship with God is far more important :D having God in my life is much more important and i don't want to trade it with anything, ga mw gntiin itu dgn prsaan ktrbrgntungan g ituu..
My singleness is a journey, not some sort of trapped prison. It's a journey of growing in my trust of the Lord and believing that He has a plan for me

so yg lgi struggle", remember girls everything is good in His time.. jgn ktrbrgntungan sma org, BERGANTUNG sma Thn :) smuanya indah pda wktuNya kok :D

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