Senin, 09 Januari 2012

live loved

hi! again.. hehe.. as you can see from the title :D live loved..
(this blog's name)

now i gonna tell you why i use this title for my blog ^^


actually it just came into my mind hehehe.. i feel like hearing it so many times before and it really impact my life :) and i just found out that it is a title of a book written by max lucado, a devotional book, i don't have the book and haven't read it yet..

hmm, i think i gonna continue in indonesia..

jadii,, pas pengen bkin blog ini tba" keinget sama kata" itu  which is 'live loved'

yup live loved bnyak bget orang-orang yang ga sadar kalo hidupnya itu BERHARGA n LOVED. apa buktinya?
banyak yg wasted time dgn hal" yg ga brguna,, g pun sring sprti itu ga brsa dikasihi krna itu sring nglakuin hal-hal seperti org yg kurang kasih.. haha..

bberapa kali g sring bget kpikiran kalo diri g bner" ga ad wow" nya kyknya ga ada kelebihan apa", ga ad ssuatu yg hbat, dri smua" nya y well smuanya BIASA.. tpi skali lgi this words live loved really means a lot to me, how God loves me,

a really really big love smpe ke tahap Dy mw sacrifice His life for me :')

ketika g ngrasa ga berharga, g seringkali inget ini kalo Tuhan mengasihi g, ga ada yang lebih berharga dibandingin dikasihi sama Tuhan.

Inget ini!
Dy yg mulai dulu u/ mgasihi kita bukan karna kita hebat, bukan karna kita enak untuk dikasihi, bukan karena kita layak TAPI krna God is love and He can't stop to love us!
live loved, sdar kalo hdup kta dikasihi sma Thn, Ga ada satu hal pun yg bisa buat Tuhan berhnti mgasihi kta! GA ADA :')

g sring bget mewe sndiri kalo inget lgu ni bbrpa partny aja :

NOTHING u can do to make Him LOVE you more
and NOTHING that u've done could make Him 
CLOSE the door

because of His great love 
He gave His only son 
so you would COME

heyy guys ur life is too precious to be wasted!

u are worthy of God's love! u are!  :) 

live loved! realizing how God loves us:)

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